Navigating COVID-19 Marketing

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world in a very permanent way. It has affected every aspect of people’s lives. How will buyer behaviours change moving forward?

COVID-19 Marketing
Every aspect of our lives is affected by COVID-19. How should your marketing adjust?

So what is the landscape affecting COVID-19 Marketing? Our lives have major areas to which we devote our time and energy: Health, Career, Family, Finance, Friends and Recreation.  Our routines are made up of these pursuits as we try to find a balance that makes us happy. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected each of these areas in a way that may be irreversible and people are struggling to find a new balance.

Health is obviously a major source of stress in the efforts to flatten the COVID-19 curve. The economy is in lockdown which negatively affects the careers and personal finances of most. Physical distancing makes it impossible to engage with family and friends beyond your household bubble and there is only so much fun and recreation you can enjoy inside your own four walls.

How Will Our Lives Recover?

Clearly, some of the effects of COVID-19 to our behaviours are going to be lasting and long-term. Health concerns will linger far beyond the pandemic as people adopt new precautions in fear of another outbreak. Jobs will be lost or changed and disposable income will be much lower than the beginning of this year for most families for months and years to come. These things will negatively affect buyer behaviour and market engagement.

However, as physical distancing restrictions are relaxed, the areas of family, friends and fun will see a wave of resurgence. We have been starved of social engagement and our typical outlets for stress relief during a highly stressful pandemic situation. People are looking for ways and reasons to feel connected and positive again. Understanding this emerging mindset will be critical to finding success in the Game-On marketscape.

Answering the Call – COVID-19 Marketing

The key to marketing effectively during COVID-19 is to focus on relationships overselling. Your response to a socially starved market should be an offer of community, care, engagement, support, trust, and hope. Keep these emotions and benefits at the core of your client experience and use them as the foundation of your messaging. By fostering this positivity, you will establish a common ground with your market and give them a reason to feel good about being a consumer again.

This trend is already in full swing as major brands are flooding the media with goodwill marketing. There is little mention of products or services, just a positive message of hope and unity. As the news media and politicians pivot their focus to economic recovery, we are seeing more and more ads about buying local and supporting the community. Take their lead and demonstrate your commitment to helping others above helping your revenue line – it will earn their trust, loyalty, and business in the Game-On marketscape.

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COVID-19 Survival Guide For Small Businesses




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