Serving a Divided Game-On Market

Forming a divided market: If the physical distancing restrictions were lifted today, would you venture back out into the world undaunted or would you still feel insecure about being around others?

Divided Game-On Market
Are you prepared to handle a divided Game-On market?

In reality, there will be a spectrum of sensitivity to social re-engagement in the Game-On market space, with multiple levels of comfort in between. Hopefully, the majority of consumers will find their way back to normalcy over time, but initially we will definitely see two different sets of behaviours, leading to a divided market.

Even today, there is a clear division of those who are wearing masks and gloves from those who are not. With nearly 2000 deaths in Ontario related to COVID-19 to date, there is certainly cause for concern, but the measures taken to flatten the curve have come at a devastating cost to our economy and small business community – many wonder if these measures have been more extreme than necessary.

Mixed Messaging

Some retailers are allowed to re-open today under COVID-19 safety guidelines to protect consumers, and yet we are still being encouraged to stay home unless absolutely necessary and practice social distancing. This mixed messaging leaves us stranded between hope and fear, not knowing if we should embrace the movement back to feeling safe again or take every precaution just to get essentials.

The deaths-per-day in Ontario are trending lower and getting very close to the numbers we were seeing in the first week of April when they were just starting to climb. All signs are pointing to early June for the end of social distancing, however buyer confidence may not recover as quickly.

Divided Game-On Market Channels

We have been dealing with this social limbo for 10 weeks now and during this time buyer behaviours have had to adapt. Recent reports show online sales are rising faster than the average rate before COVID-19 as consumers learn to deal with shopping from home and waiting for delivery.

Small businesses have to anticipate that a significant portion of their market is going to stay online until they are fully confident shopping in-person. A divided customer base means you need to provide two different offerings in the Game-On marketscape. If you don’t currently have an online shopping option, it is critical that you develop one now and ensure that it is easy to use for both pick-up and delivery. Exclusive in-store specials can help revive your foot traffic and promote the browse-buying that comes from in-person shopping.

Be Experience-Aware

In order to re-open, small businesses are going to have to adhere to new safety measures, but it is important to ensure that the customer experience is also protected. Some of your clientele are going to be looking for adherence to social distancing standards and you need to show them you are being safe. Others are going to be looking for a friendly smile and a sense of community so don’t let the masks and plexiglass dividers keep you from being engaged and connected.

Whichever side of the COVID-sensitivity spectrum your buyer leans, be there to meet them and serve them with a positive customer experience.

COVID-19 Survival Guide For Small Businesses
COVID-19 Survival Guide For Small Businesses




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